Financial Metrics Calculator for Startups

Use this financial metrics calculator to forecast your startup's revenue, calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and estimate expenses. Gain insights into monthly revenue, net profit, ROI, and cash flow projections.

Enter the projected total revenue for the upcoming year. Example: 500000
Enter the desired annual growth rate. Example: 10
Enter the potential percentage of revenue loss. Example: 5
Enter the expected annual growth rate for salaries. Example: 5
Estimate the cost incurred to acquire a single customer. Example: 100
Enter the average monthly revenue generated per user. Example: 50
Enter the average lifetime of a customer in months. Example: 24
Sum of costs related to the production of goods or services. Example: 25000
Total amount allocated for marketing campaigns and promotions. Example: 15000
Aggregate salary payments to employees for the year. Example: 80000
Include any additional operating expenses not categorized above. Example: 10000