SEOLazyDailyDispatches (#10): Here’s how you can handle client expectations following a failed SEO campaign.

Hey there, business moguls! So, your latest hashtag #SEO campaign didn’t quite hit the mark, huh? No need to panic – Mr. Lazy’s got your back. Here’s how to handle those client expectations like a pro:
1. Own Up to It: No excuses, no blaming the algorithm – just own it. Admit that the campaign didn’t deliver the results you’d hoped for.
2. Listen and Learn: Take the time to listen to your client’s feedback and concerns. Learn from what went wrong and use it to improve future campaigns.
3. Focus on Solutions: Instead of dwelling on the failure, shift the conversation to solutions. What steps can you take to rectify the situation and move forward?
4. Set Realistic Expectations: Manage your client’s expectations for future campaigns. Be transparent about what’s achievable and what isn’t.
5. Offer Value: Even if the campaign didn’t meet expectations, show your client the value you’re still bringing to the table. Highlight any positive outcomes or insights gained.
6. Stay Committed: Don’t throw in the towel just yet. Reassure your client that you’re committed to their success and will work tirelessly to deliver results in the future.
Remember, setbacks happen to the best of us. It’s how you handle them that sets you apart. Keep calm, stay focused, and keep those client relationships strong.
You’ve got this!